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our mission

Killing germs is easy, but to engineer wholesome disinfection system for effective germs killing yet prioritizing occupants’ health requires a different approach. 


Many products are designed to quickly eradicate contaminants such as germs or volatile organic compounds “VOCs”, Nitrogen Oxides (“NOx”), Sulphur Oxides (“SOx”). However, products most often, if use in high concentration, will also be harmful to occupants or generate by-products that may be toxic. 


We stay minded that safety is of paramount importance, henceforth adopt a satisficing approach of “no need to overkill leaving residual harm”.


We do not just sell a product but the SCIENCE in the ART OF KILLING GERMS & ERADICATION of contaminants with the physics of preserving health and safety. 

Overview of Our Proprietary Bespoke KILL

AQ Germs Killer™

General Spray / Wipe On

Sanitizer / Mop On


Surface Kill™

Long lasting Antimicrobial



Surface Purifier™

“Coating for neutralizing harmful exhaust emission, toilets’ odor,

germs inactivation


Safety engineered UVC Apparatus

for Disinfection of Germs,

Photolysis & Ozonolysis of

Cooking Grease

AQ Germs Killer | AQ Singapore

Air surface - air space, walls,

floors, fabrics, ironmongeries,

plastic for immediate or

housekeeping use​

Surface Kill | AQ Singapore

All hard surfaces expose to

possible contamination

eg. walls, floors, furniture,
ironmongeries especially in
toilets, communal areas (schools, offices, recreation spaces, toilets)


Surface Purifier | AQ Singapore
Surface Purifier | AQ Singapore

Removed toxic pollutants from vehicles / engines emissions - NOx, SOx, VOCs, pollutants enhancing
“self-cleaning” by reducing washing cycles and air contaminations
(house car porch, car parks, driveways, factories) 

AQ-UV | AQ Singapore
AQ-UV | AQ Singapore

Commercial applications –

communal premises

(toilets, lobbies, offices,

food outlets, factories)




Ripped Paper Transparent

Surface Purifier™

Car park driveway & walls need

to reduce toxic emission

Surface Kill

Surface Kill™

Long lasting Antimicrobial Coating to eradicate germs on surfaces in

public toilet and common area

Surface Kill

Surface Kill™  
Long lasting Antimicrobial Coating

applied on all touch areas

Surface Purifier

killing germs in a safer way

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